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Can You Smoke Weed with a Tobacco Pipe?

Can You Smoke Weed with a Tobacco Pipe?

Posted by Paykoc Pipes ,Aug 9th 2022

Some fans of tobacco pipes may take issue with this post but we must live in the times we live in, and in these times, most of the United States has legalized cannabis. As a result, people have lots of questions about this formerly taboo topic, including whether they can use the tobacco pipe they bought from Paykoc Pipes to smoke that expensive weed they just bought from the state-licensed dispensary. The answer is that you can use just about anything to smoke weed including toilet paper rolls, aluminum cans, bongs, glass pipes and yes, meerschaum and briar pipes.

Why More People Don’t Use Tobacco Pipes to Smoke Weed

Given that weed has been decriminalized in most of the country it's interesting that you don't see many people smoking weed from a tobacco pipe. In fact, you may never see anyone doing this. But why? The tobacco pipe seems like a logical vehicle for copping a buzz with the meerschaum pipe seemingly tailor-made for spacing out on. And yet you'll almost never see that happen. The following are several pretty good reasons why cannabis and tobacco pipes aren’t on speaking terms.

No carb hole

It might seem like an unimportant detail but the carb hole found on the side of bongs and glass weed pipes enables the user to obtain an optimal hit every time. Neither briar pipes nor meerschaum pipes (or corn cob pipes for that matter) have this key item. Without it, the hit you get from your cannabis is going to be small and harsh and you'll probably end up wasting a bunch of weed too.

That nasty tobacco aftertaste

People who have invested in tobacco pipes and tobacco pipe accessories are sometimes tempted to put these things to use in the service of a cannabis high. What they quickly discover, however, is that when they stuff a bowl they've been using for tobacco with weed the hit they get (besides being small and harsh) also tastes of the tobacco residue that's inside the bowl. This can really undermine the entire experience as the distinctive smell and taste of the different cannabis strains is a big part of the marijuana experience.

That big bowl

Ever taken a good look at the bowl on some meerschaum pipes? They're huge. It's almost as if you could do your dishes in there after you finish your smoke. Some briar pipes also have very large bowls. The large bowl is so that you can pack it with your favorite tobacco, spark it up and enjoy a long, leisurely smoke while you read or binge-watch your favorite programs. To that end, the large bowls do their job splendidly. But when it comes to cannabis most stoners are not accustomed to putting half a bag of weed into a single bowl. The potential for waste is enormous, and considering how much good weed costs these days, waste is not a word you want to get acquainted with.

There’s no screen

Sticking with the bowl theme... tobacco pipe bowls do not have a screen at the bottom to keep the smaller particles of cannabis in the bowl. Because of this, taking a nice big draw on a tobacco pipe filled with weed will likely mean you’ll wind up inhaling a lot of your expensive cannabis too. And to top it off some of those cannabis tidbits may be burning hot which is not going to sit well with your throat and lungs.

Cannabis residue

Even if you can successfully navigate around some of the above issues, using your tobacco pipe for cannabis is going to result in a significant buildup of residue inside the bowl. When this resin melds with the cake already in the bowl from the tobacco the resulting taste can be very nasty. In addition, the resin buildup will mean you have to clean your bowl more often. And cleaning marijuana resin from a briar pipe is not as easy as cleaning it out of a glass or metal pot pipe.

Portability issues

Some glass and metal pipes intended for cannabis use are extremely small. They can easily fit into any pocket so that you can remain discreet. Not so with tobacco pipes. Walking around with a briar or meerschaum pipe sticking out of your pocket is going to attract all kinds of attention. Not to mention that if you drop and break it you’re going to be upset.

Not socially acceptable

Stoners are used to sharing bongs and small weed pipes. Few tobacco pipe owners, however, have ever let another person put their lips to the mouthpiece of their pipe. They are likely to find themselves in an awkward position if they’re smoking weed from their pipe and someone else asks if they can take a hit.

It will shorten the life of your tobacco pipe

It’s one thing to take light, occasional puffs on your tobacco pipe. It’s another thing entirely to spend the night passing it around with others who are drawing on it as if it were oxygen and they were on the top of Mount Everest. This type of extreme use is going to dramatically shorten the life of your tobacco pipe which may wind up with a burn hole through the bottom after only a couple of weeks on the marijuana circuit.

The bottom line is this: if you want to smoke weed get a pipe made for that purpose. On the other hand, if you are looking for wholesale tobacco pipes get in touch with Paykoc Pipes.