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Six Reasons to Choose Tobacco Pipes Over Cigars

Six Reasons to Choose Tobacco Pipes Over Cigars

Posted by Paykoc Pipes ,Mar 31st 2023

A lot of people who want nothing to do with cigarettes nonetheless enjoy a good smoke. They’ve had the odd cigar from time to time and even experimented with briar pipes. They found that both cigars and pipes have their charms but they aren’t interested in being a dual-mode smoker. They want to choose one and move on with their lives. But which one? If you currently find yourself in this position you’ve come to the right place because below we’re going to present our case for choosing pipes over cigars.

Six Reasons Why You Should Choose Tobacco Pipes Over Cigars

You might think that a company called Paykoc Pipes is a little biased, and you’d be right. But that doesn’t invalidate any of the following reasons why you should reach for a tobacco pipe instead of a cigar.

  • The aesthetic experience: One of the biggest reasons people choose pipes over cigars is the nature of the experience. Pipe smoking naturally lends itself to relaxation. You kick back in your favorite chair, fire up a bowl of your favorite tobacco blend, and gently draw on your pipe while watching your favorite streaming series or reading a good book (remember them?) at a leisurely pace. On the other hand, people often chomp on cigars while working, driving their SUV or playing cards, in which case the cigar becomes something of a stress reliever.
  • The smell: This is part of the aesthetic experience. A big part. And it represents a major point of divergence between the two. Pipe smoking typically produces less overall smoke, and that smoke tends to be of a lighter, more diffuse and subtle nature. The room note (smell) of cigar smoke on the other hand is insistent. It fills the space, demands attention and lingers in clothes, furniture and on your breath longer than pipe smoke. Does that mean cigars smell bad? Not necessarily. Just that they are much more in your face with the whole aroma thing.
  • Cost: Good cigars are not cheap. Yes, there are cheap cigars on the market. Plenty of them. But cheap cigars are like flying coach while premium cigars are like flying first class. If you’re going to smoke cigars it just doesn’t make sense to do it on the cheap. You want the real cigar experience, and that costs money. How much? A good cigar is going to cost anywhere from $6 to $10 these days. If you want to go all-in and pick up some Fuente Don Arturos be prepared to shell out more than $20 a pop.

    By contrast, the costs associated with pipe smoking tend to be front-loaded because you have to purchase the pipe. Good briar pipes can be had for less than $100. While handcrafted meerschaum pipes like our Topkapi Calabash pipes will run you approximately $150. If you take care of your pipe, however, it will last for decades. So the per year cost will be less than that of a single low-end cigar. Meanwhile, a tin of high-quality pipe tobacco may run you $12 to $15 dollars and fill 20 bowls. That works out to 60 to 75 cents per bowl. Compare that to $10 or even $20 for a single high-quality cigar.

  • Convenience: Smoking a cigar requires a commitment. If you spent $10 or more on a cigar you want to enjoy it stem to stern, and that’s going to take an hour or even 2. Sure, you could drop it in the ashtray when you’re only partially done and come back to it later in the evening. But when you light it back up you’ll find it’s not the same aromatic or flavor experience. A pipe on the other hand, can be enjoyed for a few minutes, set aside and returned to later with no loss of enjoyment. And you always have the option of only filling the bowl halfway and dramatically shortening your total smoking time.
  • Building a relationship: It may sound silly if you’re not a pipe smoker but long-time tobacco pipe aficionados build relationships with their favorite pipes over time. They come to appreciate the pipe’s heft and its textures. They get to know its every nuance while taking meticulous care of it. And they can cite specific instances when certain pipe tobaccos really shined in a given pipe. Cigars on the other hand are one-and-done propositions, like cigarettes. No one ever built a relationship with a cigarette. And you won’t be building one with a cigar, no matter how much you paid for it.
  • Variety: There will be cigar smokers who take issue with the notion that tobacco pipes offer more variety when it comes to the smoking experience than cigars do. And since there are literally hundreds of different cigars on the market, they may seem to have a case. But here’s the thing: cigars only come in a relative handful of flavors. Are there subtle differences in those flavors between one cigar maker and another? Sure. But unless you’re a world-class cigar expert you’re not going to notice. Pipe tobacco on the other hand comes in an astonishing variety of blends that make the flavor experience practically endless.

Trust Paykoc For Colorado’s Best Wholesale Pipe Variety

The debate over which is better, cigars or pipes, is not going away any time soon. Still, we firmly believe that if you give tobacco pipes a chance, you too will conclude that they have undeniable advantages over cigars.