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Dab Nails vs. Bangers: How Do They Differ?

Dab Nails vs. Bangers: How Do They Differ?

Posted by Paykoc Pipes ,Jun 28th 2023

Aside from using your custom bongs and custom glass pipes, there are many new ways to consume THC nowadays. Innovative smoking engineering has made way for dabbing. What is dabbing? Dabbing is a smoking method using concentrated butane hash oil. This method is best for those with higher tolerance levels. Whether you are new to dabbing, or consider yourself an expert, you may have heard the term "Banger" and could have wondered how a Banger compares to a dab nail. The team at Puffr wholesale smoke shop are going to clear this up for you in this post.

What Is a Dab Nail?

Dab nails are often made of metal, such as titanium. The device gains its nickname for resembling an actual nail. The dab nail allows you to smoke cannabis oils and they are often lit with a torch when smoking. It works similarly to a bong. Once the THC concentrate is at an adequate temperature, place it onto the dab nail to begin the smoke session. Its other feature, similar to the bong, cleans the hash oil prior to inhaling the vapor.

Dab nails come in different sizes and being made of metal, of course, makes them durable. But, be warned, metal dab nails, specifically titanium, often alter the flavor of your dabbing experience. Perhaps it’s best to keep clear from titanium dab nails if flavor is significant to you. All dab rigs are most efficient with suitable tools. Carefully select your dab nail to maximize your dabbing experience.

What Is a Banger?

Bangers differ from nails as they have a deep dish-like surface. These come in many different shapes and sizes, and it's a preferred method for those looking for a flavor profile. Bangers allow the full taste of the hit to come through. Also, this method is better for beginners as your face is a further distance away whilst smoking.

Bangers are considerably cheaper than dab nails, making them favorable for those on a budget. It is important to note that although a banger is cheaper, it is not limited in comparison. Bangers are versatile, many different materials can be used such as crystal, quartz, titanium, or glass. But, the versatility stretches further. Bangers allow dabs at low temperatures as well as high temperatures.

Of all the different materials, quartz is popular because of its long-lasting qualities in comparison to the others. The taste is not sacrificed when smoking with quartz bangers either, making it a beneficial choice.

What Are the Differences Between Dab Nails and Bangers?

Although both methods are loved by dabbers around the world, each has its pros and cons. When selecting between dab nails and bangers, there are several factors to consider that change the overall smoking experience. Heating capability, durability, flavor, and budget are all elements that separate the two methods. Choosing between the two may simply come down to personal preference and convenience, but we’re going to outline what we consider to be the main differences below.

Heating Potential

Heating capabilities are a vital consideration when dabbing. This factor is essential because materials that can take the strain of heat will last far longer, meaning you won’t need to purchase new dab rigs. Retaining heat will allow for potent hits from your dabs.

Different materials can withstand different heat levels, so it's a question of how long you can torch up without overheating the materials. For example, Quartz nails take roughly 10 seconds to heat up, but they do not retain heat efficiently. A titanium nail, on the other hand, would take longer to heat up but retain heat for a longer duration.


If dabbing is a frequent smoking endeavor for you, durability is key. Understandably, you don’t want to replace your broken dab nail or banger often. We recommend titanium dab nails if durability is on your priority list. Titanium is near unbreakable, meaning you will get your money’s worth out of this option.

A nail made of titanium will survive the constant heat throughout smoking whereas other materials will damage due to this. For example, quartz can take some heat but it may suffer damage if you’re a clumsy smoker. It’s safe to say titanium is nailed on in this category.


Where titanium dab nails were favored in the previous category, it's best to avoid them for flavor. Smoking through titanium will transfer a metal-like taste through your dabs. If flavor is your priority, you should avoid titanium dab nails. We get it, you don’t want to purchase a high-quality dab and have the taste altered.

The flavor is where bangers are the winners. Banger dabs will enhance the true taste of the terpenes you purchased from a wholesale smoke shop and the flavor will not be altered. For flavor-enthusiast stoners, bangers are definitely the better choice.

What’s Your Budget?

As a smoker, there’s lots to purchase out there. Custom glass pipes, bongs, papers, or weeds are among the many purchases. So, you might not want to splash on the cash and go for top-of-the-line stuff when it comes to dabbing equipment. Quartz bangers are the most expensive of materials. Glass materials are usually on the cheaper end of the spectrum.

Final Thoughts from Puffr's Wholesale Head Shop

When it comes down to it, both dab nails and bangers are creative, fun, and effective methods for mixing up your smoking sessions. Overall, the list of differences is thin and it really boils down to your personal preference. If you can’t decide - try both!

If flavors are your specialty, we suggest you stick with a banger. On the other hand, if durability or heating capabilities are of the most interest, you should opt for a titanium nail. If you are interested in further products, pop in the Puffer brick-and-mortar store for a range of custom glass pipes, customized water pipes, or any other smoke shop needs you may have.