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Should You Use a Pipe Filter?

Should You Use a Pipe Filter?

Posted by Paykoc Pipes ,Sep 15th 2023

If you ever want to spark a heated debate among aficionados of tobacco pipes just ask them if you should use a filter. Chances are the group, regardless of size, will quickly split into two camps: those who say do whatever makes you happy and those who claim filters (like pipe screens) constitute some sort of affront to all that is good about pipes, pipe tobacco and this most solemn and honorable of pastimes.

We tend to fall into the "whatever" camp since it is your pipe, your life, and your experience, but we understand where the traditionalists are coming from. That said, let's look at the issue of pipe filters as it applies to briar pipes and meerschaum pipes.

Advantages of Using Pipe Filters

These are some of the most common reasons people use pipe filters.

  • The pipe filter helps control the draw – Most agree that a filter has the effect of slowing down the draw. This can be particularly attractive to new pipe smokers who often draw too hard and end up damaging the bowl when things get too hot.
  • Filters can act as a kind of screen – You'll notice that neither meerschaum nor briar pipes come with screens, and most pipe lovers like it that way. But if you're concerned about inhaling a bit of tobacco a filter can prevent that by acting as a screen.
  • A filter can reduce tongue bite – Pipe smoking can sometimes produce an unpleasant feeling called “tongue bite”. It's caused by harsh smoke and oils from the tobacco. A filter can reduce tongue biting by taking the edge off the smoke and filtering out excess oils.
  • Pipe filters reduce moisture – A pipe filter can prevent moisture from being drawn into your mouth, a phenomenon most pipe smokers can live without.

Disadvantages of Using Pipe Filters

There are plenty of compelling reasons people do not use pipe filters, including:

  • Tobacco tastes better when it's left unfiltered – This is the top reason why some tobacco pipe smokers resist filtering. There is no doubt that if you have a well-developed taste for tobacco you'll notice a difference when using a filter. Many of the more subtle characteristics of the blend can get lost.
  • One more thing to buy – While pipe filters are not expensive they nonetheless constitute one more thing to buy - i.e. one more expense - and that, for many people, is a deal breaker. Especially since they are not technically necessary.
  • Pipe filters complicate the cleaning process – All kinds of gunk tend to build up in a filter (if it didn't the filter wouldn't be doing its job), and that can make cleaning tobacco pipes a more complicated process. Also, if you don't remove the filter after every smoke it can trap moisture that will eventually undermine the integrity of the pipe.
  • It's just not right – A lot of times pipe lovers will have a hard time articulating their opposition to things like pipe filters and pipe screens. As a result, when asked about such things they'll reply with something like "It's just not right." Do with that what you will.

Types of Pipe Filters

If you choose to use there are three types of commercially available pipe filters. They are:

  1. Pass through filters – This is the most common type and does a good job reducing tongue bite. Pass-through filters are also good at absorbing moisture.
  2. Absorption filters – Absorption filters are typically used by people who want a cooler smoke. Absorption filters are usually (not always) made of balsa wood.
  3. Condenser filters – The condenser filter is made of metal, is inserted into the stem, and condenses and traps moisture before it reaches the smoker's mouth.

Trust Paykoc Pipes for Tobacco Pipes and Pipe Filters

The Paykoc Pipes online store has one of the largest selections of pipes, including wholesale tobacco pipes, you'll find anywhere. And of course, if you need pipe filters we have them too.